Readings for CS448B: Visualization

Papers and articles available on the web will not be handed out in class. Pointers to the online versions of papers are included by the reference. You are expected to download and print these papers yourselves. One reason for doing this is that many graphics papers contain pictures that do not reproduce well when copied. The ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries are now available online for Stanford students. They are a great resource: learn to use them.

Readings not available online will be handed out in class. They will also be available in the CS348B course handout cabinet in Gates Rm 377 (the copy room in the graphics wing 3B).

Hint: Read the material before class!


Apr 3 The Purpose of Visualization

Information Visualiation, Chapter 1, Readings in Information Visualization, S. Card, J. Mackinlay, B. Schneiderman, Morgan-Kaufman, 1999.

B. Schneiderman, The eyes have it: A task by data type taxonomy for information visualization, (html)

Apr 10 Data Models and Visual Encodings

S. Stevens, On the theory of scales of measurement, Science, 103, pp. 677-680. 1946.

J. Mackinlay, Automating the design of graphical presentation of relational information, ACM Transactions on Computer Graphics, Vol 5, No 2, pp. 110-141, 1986. (acm pdf)

W. S. Cleveland, R. McGill, Graphical perception: Theory, experimentation and the application to the development of graphical models, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 79:387, pp. 531-554, 1984.

Aesthetics, Chapter 7.1-7.5, The Grammar of Graphics, L. Wilkinson, Springer, 1999.

Apr 17 Spatial Encodings

Chapter A: Postmortem of an example, J. Bertin, Graphics and Graphics Information Processing, Translated by W. Berg and P. Scott, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1981.

R. Becker, W. Cleveland, M.. Shyu, A tour of Trellis graphics, (ps)

Apr 24 Color Encodings

E. R. Tufte, Color and Information, In Envisioning Information, Graphics Press, Cheshire, CO, 1990.

C. Ware, Color, Chapter 4 in Information Visualization, Morgan-Kaufman, 2000.

L. Bergman, B. Rogowitz, L. Treinish, A rule-based tool for assisting colormap selection, (url)

T. Slocum, Color schemes for univariate choropleth and isarithmic maps, Chapter 6 in Thematic cartography and visualization, Prentice Hall, 1999.

C. Brewer, Color use guidelines for data representation, 1999.

C. Brewer, Color use guidelines for mapping and visualization.

C. Brewer, ColorBrewer

E. Imhof, Area colors, Chapter 13 in Cartographic Relief Presentation, Walter de Gruyter, 1982.

M. Stone, A survey of color for computer graphics, SIGGRAPH Course 4, 2001. Course notes.

May 1 Interaction

Norman, D. Cognitive Engineering. In User Centered System = Design, Norman, D., Draper, S. Eds, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1986.

Robertson, G., Card, S., and Mackinlay, J., The Cognitive Coprocessor Architecture for Interactive User Interfaces. = In Proc. UIST'89, pp. 10-18.

Igarashi, T., Ken Hinckley, K. Speed-Dependent Automatic Zooming for Browsing Large Documents. In Proc. = UIST'00, pp. 139-148.

Bier, E., Stone, M., Pier, K., Buxton, W., DeRose, T. Toolglass and magic lenses: the see-through interface. In Proc. = SIGGRAPH'93, pp. 73-76.

Mackinlay, J., Card, S., Robertson, G., Rapid Controlled Movement Through a Virtual 3D Workspace, Computer. = Graphics., 24 (4), 1990, pp. 171-176.


Norman, D., Draper, S., eds. User Centered System Design, Lawrence = Erlbaum Associates 1986.

Card, S., Moran, T., Newell, A. The Psychology of Human-Computer = Interaction. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1983.

May 8 Self-Illustrating Phenomena

No assigned readings

May 15 Conveying Shape

V. S. Ramachandran, 2-D or not 2-D--that is the question, In The Artful Eye, Ed. R. Gregory, J. Harris, P. Heard, D. Rose, Oxford University Press, 1995.

A. Hayes, J. Ross, Lines of sight, In The Artful Eye, Ed. R. Gregory, J. Harris, P. Heard, D. Rose, Oxford University Press, 1995.

A. Gooch, B. Gooch, Using non-photorealistic rendering to communicate shape.

V. Interrante, Investigating the effect of texture orientation on shape perception.

D. Dooley, M. Cohen, Automatic illustration of 3D geometric models: Surfaces, IEEE Visualization '90, pp. 307-315, 1990. (ieee)

May 22 Conveying Interior Structure

V. Blanz, M. Tarr, H. Bulthoff, T. Vetter, What object attributes determine canonical views? .

S. Feiner, D. Seligmann, Cutaways and ghosting: satisfying visibility constraints in dynamic 3D illustrations. In Visual Computer, (8)292 Spinger Verlag 1992

May 29 Motion and Animation

J. Lasseter, Principles of Traditional Animation Applied to Computer Animation SIGGRAPH 87

May 22 Diagrammatic Depictions of Processes

D. Seligmann and S. Feiner, Automated Generation of Intent-Based 3D Illustrations SIGGRAPH 91.

M. Agrawala and C. Stolte, Rendering Effective Route Maps: Improving Usability Through Generalization.


J. Bertin, Graphics and Graphics Information Processing, Translated by W. Berg and P. Scott, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1981.

J. Bertin, Semiology of Graphics, Translated by W. Berg, University of Wisconsin Press, 1983.

L. Wilkinson, The Grammar of Graphics, Springer-Verlag, 1999.

A. MacEachren, How Maps Work, The Guilford Press, 1995.

C. Ware, Information Visualization, Academic Press, 2000.

S. Card, J. Mackinlay, B. Schneiderman, Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think Morgan-Kaufman Publishers, 1999.

Copyright © 2002 Pat Hanrahan