Scan Converter (Folsom)

The Folsom scan converter turns computer monitor output into standard video
in real time. Thus it converts from something in the high-bandwidth RGBS
monitor patch panel into many levels of the Telect - NTSC, CAV, and RGBS.
You generally use it for recording from a live monitor session to tape.
See tutorial.
Configuration Hints
The menus are quite intuitive, and using the menu, item and on+/off- keys
changes menu items; you should be able to figure this out. There are a
large number of menu items, most of which I'm not sure how to use or what
point they have.
With respect to filtering, I don't quite know the optimal settings yet.
Just be aware that you can set horizontal and vertical filtering, and some
item called flicker to on or off.
The most important menu item is the input source. This should be set to
VGA or BNC as appropriate. The test pattern should be set off. The termination
should be set to 75 Ohm if there is no passthru (as currently for BNC)
and hi-Z otherwise (as currently for VGA).
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Last modified: Dec 23 2001